PostNords Whistleblowing Routine
Many companies have established reporting routines, or "whistleblowing" schemes, to ensure that employees are able to report serious crimes committed by an individual in a management-level position. PostNord has now also established whistleblowing routines.
These routines are designed for reporting suspicions that crimes have been committed, approved or intentionally ignored by individuals in management-level positions or other key figures.
"Individuals in management-level positions" means:
- Members of PostNord's Board of Directors
- Members of PostNord's Group Executive Team
- Members of the management group for the business areas: Meddelande Sverige, Logistics, Strålfors and Breve Danmark
- Executive directors in PostNord's subsidiaries.
"Key figures" means employees with the authority to take independent decisions that are of vital importance to the company.
The following are examples of actions that may be reported via whistleblowing routines:
- Financial crimes, e.g. bribery, fraud and forgery
- Serious security issues in the workplace
- Significant breaches of environmental regulations and pollution of the environment
- Serious instances of discrimination and bullying
Reporting routines may be followed by employees in PostNord's companies in the Nordic region, as well as by customers, suppliers and other interested parties connected to these companies, and are in line with relevant legislation and regulation in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland. Reporting routines are accessible via the internet portal:
You can always contact PostNord's customer services regarding any and all types of errors, complaints and violations:
Contact customer service